
Showing posts from March, 2011

Where is your career heading?


The Ardyss Body magic lifestyle


Project 20 Ardyss Presidents In Africa and around the world.Project 20 Millioniare's

Hi everybody, Like you know already, my name is Linda Freeborn and am an Executive president with Ardyss International.Ardyss International is a global family business that you too can become a part of. At Ardyss International ,we are changing lives every day unitedly sharing the same opportunity and the same message. The Message : An appointment with Ardyss International will flat out change your life.Oh yes! I can show you how i went from flat ass broke and dumped by other MLM companies, and how i was picked up bathed, nutured with trainings and achieved the prestigious rank of Executive president with Ardyss International in only a  few short months, plus how i am changing lives everyday, and you know what?, You are Next to be transformed. All you have to do is follow my system. Visit my website today on or leave me a message now or you can call me on +2348037736617 I am looking for Presidents, i am looking for you.Oh y

Ardyss - Hear Why These Celebrities Joined Ardyss | Is Ardyss Right For You
