Can You Sponsor 100 New People in a week?

Can You Sponsor 100 New People in a week?

After a break during one of his Power Marketing Workshops, Big Al - Tom Schreiter, started off by asking how many people in the room could recruit 100 people in the coming week. There were about 60 people in the room and not one person raised their hand. Tom thought that this was interesting. He then pulled out his checkbook and pen, and then asked for a show of hands of how many people in the room could recruit 100 people in the coming week if he had a check made out in their name for $50,000 just waiting for them. This time about half of the people in the room quickly raised their hands. Tom showed mock surprise and asked them what had changed?

Several comments came back like - the money motivated them; $50,000 gave them an incentive, and so on. Tom suggested it was none of those reasons. He asked again what was it that caused people (from one minute to the next) to change their minds from “I can’t” to “I can”? There were several responses once more, and Tom again said that none of those reasons were acceptable.

Finally, he suggested that what had happened to half of the room that raised their hands was simply a change in ATTITUDE. Your attitude can be your best friend or your worse enemy. An “I Can” attitude is powerful and invigorating.

Zig Zigler says in his book “See You at the Top”, that an “I Can” attitude is the difference between the person who accomplishes and the person that does not. He suggests that whenever you have an idle moment that you write, “I Can” as many times as possible and to constantly think “I Can - I Can”. After enough concentration you can change your negative programming into a positive “I Can” attitude.

Now that you know this, you have absolutely no excuses - do you? So go out there and recruit 100 people this week and create the kind of income an “I Can” attitude can build for you!!

Tom Schreiter is best-known for his series of best-selling “Big Al” books and teaches regular MLM marketing training workshops throughout the US.


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