You must start on a firm Foundation- Toni k. Morgan

So you started in (Ardyss)Network Marketing and you thought it would be so easy to make money, Wrong!!!! The first mistake most people new to Ardyss International make, is they believe everyone will automatically see what they saw when they joined.

This is simply not the case. When you start your business you need to have a plan just like a traditional brick and mortar business. I always suggest you start your business with a vision, or what we call Vision casting. The majority of people who will sign up for your team, will do so not because they believe in the company or the products,but because they believe in you.

Therefore when you begin the process of looking for people to introduce to your business you should have some fundamental principles in place to share with them as the foundation of your team. The following is the principles I share with my Ardyss team members.

1. Know your Why

If you or the people you introduce to the business don't know "why" they want to do the business, they will never survive the ups and downs of this industry. When creating their why make sure it's in writing and you get a copy. Have them list their top five reasons why they have choose to do the business. This will serve you well, if the time comes when they are slowing down, or losing sight of their goals. You can simply pull out their why sheet and remind them of the reasons they started their business and ask them has anything changed.

2. What are you willing to sacrifice(for a season)

Whenever you start on a new path, you will have to make sacrifices. Most people already have a full life, so to introduce something new means something has to be eliminated. What I suggest people do is evaluate what is most important to them priority wise. Then eliminate the lowest ranking things. Those things generally are T.V. time,sports activities, or hanging out with friends. Now remember we said make the sacrifices for a season. That means you don't have to completely give these things up forever. Just long enough to dedicate the proper time to get your business started right. Once your business is up and running smoothly, you can start to bring some of the things you have sacrificed back into your life. I don't recommend your spouse be the first thing on your elimination list :-)

3. Find a Mentor

One of the things most people fail to realize is the importance of having a mentor or coach in anything they want to perfect. This is why almost all of the top performing athletes have coaches. Tiger Woods golf coach will probably never beat him at golf, but he can teach him how to play better by observing Tiger play. The thing a mentor/coach does is watch you from a far and evaluate what you are doing right or wrong,then help you correct,or better it. It is very hard for you to be out there going full speed and try to observe what you are doing. If you can't get a mentor, you can always listen to Cd's by top mentors. Most important about choosing a mentor is, make sure they have succeeded at what you want to do.

4. Plan your work and work your plan

Again just like starting a brick and mortar business, before you invest thousands of dollars into the business, you should have a business plan. In Network marketing the company(Ardyss) will provide you with a step by step plan to grow your business. What you have to do is read it cover to cover, not just once but several times. Remember your brain does not retain 100% of what you read the first time. An example is if you opened a McDonald's you would not have much success if you didn't learn how to work the french fry machine.

These are the four things I share with all my new team members to start their business on a firm foundation. I hope you will share them with your team members or think of some similar ones of your own.

I welcome your comments


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